Saturday, 7 June 2014

Joey Atlas Review - Eastern spice cinnamon is widely used for cellulite removal

Eastern spice cinnamon is widely used in modern medicine and cosmetology, as salon and home. The composition of these remarkable spices includes essential oils, vitamins and antioxidants. The beneficial properties of cinnamon for health and weight loss, you can talk a long time and we are already with you detailed the diet with cinnamon, but the story would not be complete if we did not stop in detail on how to topical cinnamon.

Yes, I hasten to please fans of cinnamon, our favorite spice actively helps to lose weight, even if you do not drink beverages with cinnamon for weight loss , because cinnamon from cellulite - an effective tool! Cinnamon is widely used in masks and wraps cellulite. Joey Atlas Review Truth About Cellulite

Vitamins and antioxidants in its composition perfectly nourish the skin; cinnamon gives the skin elasticity and prevents aging. Due to their composition, cinnamon has a pronounced warming irritant effect, which increases blood flow to the skin. This property allows you to actively use cinnamon to fight the hated cellulite. Cinnamon cellulite - Anti-cellulite mask with cinnamon and honey; prepare this mask is very simple: Connect 3 tbsp liquid honey 1 tbsp ground cinnamon and 5-7 drops of cinnamon oil. Apply the mask on the trouble spots for 10-15 minutes. Remember the warming cinnamon-irritating! Mask with cinnamon may oven, making sure that it does not provoke strong reddening of the skin and do not forget to wash it off in time.

Friday, 23 May 2014

1. Increase in eating disorders

In the sixties already starting to diet together with an English Twiggy, which in its heyday weighs 44 kg.
This period is characterized by psychiatry first significant increase in eating disorders.
I currently exist in society pressure to adapt to the physical media, the presented ideal.
People who conventional ideal match, gaining a better social status, others are better received and evaluated.
Physical attractiveness has a social value.
About physically attractive people are expected to have better traits, a better life, are socially desirable, occupy a more prominent place, are earlier and better partners to have happier marriages and are generally happier.
 Research shows that people of varying degrees of attractiveness is attributed to varying degrees of intelligence and working abilities, different ambitions for education, sensitivity, kindness, adaptability and number of friends (Chromyl, 1989).
Beauty is no longer a gift of nature, but a product that can be purchased or him to work out through plastic surgery or strict dietary regimen.
Condition for the success of Western economies, property, and successful person has the money.
 How to make him is invested in their appearance?
 The media know the answer us the idea that the only one who is beautiful and slim, to be successful, popular and happy. Constant allocation of incentives and "truths" creates the myth of "successful man" of today. ccc